People Problems Podcast

The People Problems Podcast is the brainchild of two notary People Operations heroes. 

Alexa Baggio is the Founder of both PERKS - The Employee Experience Company

and the People Ops Society (POPS) and has been working to fundamentally change the ‘HR’ game and move the profession forward through immersive experiences and thought-provoking interactions for both employers and their employees. 

Tyson Mackenzie is a people operations professional who fights against the negative perception of HR in her day job, and by night she is @hr.shook, using humor and social media to challenge prehistoric HR norms.

The two together bring you an uncensored approach to solving people problems and bring in guests who work in the people professions to talk about the real sh*t that happens and to evangelize ideas around changing the profession for the better.

We discuss the organizational challenges, realities, and funny happenings in the weird world of working humans. This is not a podcast about work, but rather about humans at work and the incredible teams and people who (sometimes) swoop in to save the day. We’ll say some unpopular things, keep it real, and do everything we can to remind the world that Human Resources people are people too. #notHR